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Independence Day Plague

Suson, Carla Lee

prijs: € 15.95

249 pagina's, Paperback

ISBN: 9781935517054

Over het boek

On July 4th, 2026, three million people flood into Washington DC for America's 250th birthday celebration. A veteran DC cop heads the city's anti-terrorism taskforce for the biggest celebration of the decade. On that morning, he gets the message, "When the crowds are at their peak, I will detonate a biological weapon that will spray the nearby peop
TitelIndependence Day Plague
Auteur(s) Suson, Carla Lee
Afmetingen203x140x19 mm
Aantal pagina's249
UitgeverFireside Pubns
LevertijdNiet meer leverbaar
Prijs€ 15.95
Gewicht340 gram
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