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The Length of Days

Rafeyenko, Volodymyr

prijs: € 49.95

352 pagina's, Hardback

ISBN: 9780674291201

Over het boek

In The Length of Days, featuring a wild cast of characters, Rafeyenko combines poetry and wicked humor with elements of magical realism. The novel is set in 2014, mostly in the composite Donbas city of Z—an uncanny foretelling of what this letter has come to symbolize since February 2022, when Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
TitelThe Length of Days
Auteur(s) Rafeyenko, Volodymyr
Vertaler(s) Forrester, Sibelan
Aantal pagina's352
UitgeverHarvard University Press
Prijs€ 49.95
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